Showing posts with label Custom ROMS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Custom ROMS. Show all posts

Monday, 5 November 2012

[ROM] Unofficial CyanogenMod 10 for many AllWinner A10 tablets

Supported tablets

* Mediacom 907c, Momo11 Bird, JXD S9000, Eken A90 (first revision) and clones need
* Visture V3 and clones need compatibility zip.
* Mediacom 910i, Teclast A10t and clones need compatibility zip.
* ICOO D90W and clones need compatibility zip.
CEMA10N7 "unknown" device needs compatibility zip.
* Bmorn V99 needs compatibility zip
* Mediacom 711i, Momo9 and clones need compatibility zip
* Protab2XXL needs compatibility zip
* Sanei N83 needs compatibility zip (note: internal bt doesnt work and will never work)
* Hyundai A7HD needs compatibility zip
* MOMO9 needs compatibility zip
* Onda Vi40 V3 needs compatibility zip
* LY-F1 and clones need compatibility zip
* Protab2XXLv2 needs compatibility zip
* TNT Singularity and clones need compatibility zip
* Eken T01 needs compatibility zip
* Eken T02 needs compatibility zip
* Eken T05a V1 needs compatibility zip
* Eken T05a V2 needs compatibility zip
* Eken T05a V3 needs compatibility zip
* Eken T05a (unknown version) needs compatibility zip
* Eken T10 needs compatibility zip
* Eken T10 with mxc622x g-sensor needs compatibility zip
* Sanei N10 needs compatibility zip (note: internal bt doesnt work and will never work)
* Onda Vi30 Deluxe V3 needs
* Onda Vi40 Ultimate needs
* Onda Vi10 Elite needs
* Ainol Novo7 Elf needs
* Sanei N83 Deluxe needs compatibility zip (note: internal bt doesnt work and will never work)
* Ainol Novo7 Aurora v3 needs compatibility zip (you find it in 3rd_party section)

Tablets supported with legacy support (see FAQS section for more infos)

* Mediacom 917i and 927i need comp zip
* Gemei G2 needs comp zip
* Gemei G9 (those not working fine with "regular" 907c comp zip) needs comp zip
* Sanei N90 needs comp zip
* Ainol Novo7 Aurora v1 and v2 need
* MK802 PC-on-a-stick needs

You can check "testing" section of my AndroidFileHost space to find out few more tablets that require some testing to be approved

You can get them on this website

Known Bugs


* Bluetooth USB dongle support (btusb and ath3k)
* USB GPS support (cp210x and pl2303)
* Xbox 360 gamepad support (xpad)
* PS3 USB gamepad support (hid-sony)
* Generic / chinese (Pantherlord / GreenAsia) gamepads support (hid-pl and hid-gaff)
* OpenVPN support (tun)
* NTFS and ExFat support
* Veno congestion control algorithm


* !!! IMPORTANT !!! You need a /system partition of at least 300 MB or you have to avoid flashing gapps !!! IMPORTANT !!!
* Upload zips to MicroSD or internal memory.
* Boot into CWM keeping pressed VOL- (MENU) and POWER for 3 secs, than release POWER and after another sec release VOL- (or use Novo7 tools if it doesn't work for your device)
* Select "wipe data/factory reset"
* Select "install zip from sdcard" -> "choose zip from sdcard" (or "choose zip from internal sdcard" if your files are into internal memory) and flash, in this order, rom / gapps / compatibility zip
* Now go back, and select "Reboot system now"
* Enjoy cm10

Note: when you update to a newer build you don't need to do a full wipe, you just have to wipe cache and dalvik cache


build 2012-09-13

*** This will be the latest release. Rom development is now discontinued since I moved to other SoCs ***
* Spoofed as Nexus 7 (if you have any trouble with Play Store clear both "Google services framework" and "Google play store" data)
* Fixed FC on license check of some games (specially gameloft one)
* Fixed camera picture capture
* Bluetooth dongle now supports hotplug
* Different options under "Settings" if you're using tablet or phablet UI (for example to customize status bar toggles)
* Experimental: older surfaceflinger library, let's see if it really improves performance with some games or it is only placebo
* Re-added move 2 internal SD feature
* Updated upstream sources




* HW accelerated playback of local contents is limited to few files format but there's a nice workaround: since network playback works flawlessly we'll install an UPNP server that will automatically open our files from the loopback network interface. In this case stagefright player will kick in and will play every file without any trouble.
Install both MX Player and BubbleUPNP from Play store. Open BubbleUPNP and from "Library" section select the file to play. Choose MX Player as default player and enjoy the HW accelerated video playback
* If you wanna use the "phablet" ui change the entry "ro.disable_phablet_ui=1" to "ro.disable_phablet_ui=0" in file /system/build.prop (note that USB connection will work only in "phablet" mode)


Github repository

repo init -u git:// -b jellybean
paste these lines inside file ".repo/manifests/local_manifest.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <remote  name="github" fetch="git://" />
  <remove-project name="hardware/libhardware"/>
  <remove-project name="frameworks/av"/>
  <remove-project name="frameworks/native"/>
  <remove-project name="frameworks/base"/>
  <remove-project name="system/core"/>
  <remove-project name="system/vold"/>
  <remove-project name="system/bluetooth"/>
  <project remote="github" revision="jellybean-cm" name="christiantroy/android_device_907" path="device/softwinner/907" />
  <project remote="github" revision="jellybean-cm" name="christiantroy/android_hardware_realtek" path="hardware/realtek" />
  <project remote="github" revision="jellybean-cm" name="christiantroy/android_hardware_libhardware" path="hardware/libhardware" />
  <project remote="github" revision="jellybean-cm" name="christiantroy/android_frameworks_av" path="frameworks/av" />
  <project remote="github" revision="jellybean-cm" name="christiantroy/android_frameworks_native" path="frameworks/native" />
  <project remote="github" revision="jellybean-cm" name="christiantroy/android_frameworks_base" path="frameworks/base" />
  <project remote="github" revision="jellybean-cm" name="christiantroy/android_system_core" path="system/core" />
  <project remote="github" revision="jellybean-cm" name="christiantroy/android_system_vold" path="system/vold" />
  <project remote="github" revision="jellybean-cm" name="christiantroy/android_system_bluetooth" path="system/bluetooth" />
now type this command
repo sync -j8
finally you're ready to build it
lunch cm_907-userdebug && mka


Monday, 18 June 2012

Allwinner A10 IceCreamSandwich 4.0.3 and Gingerbread 2.3.4 Google Play Script.

Allwinner A10 IceCreamSandwich 4.0.3 and Gingerbread 2.3.4 Google Play Script.

WARNING: Works Best if Firmware is Clean Flash or has no Previous Script Installed.

Google-Play-Script: http://www.mediafire.../?2u26rf7fsh7ay

ICS-Hide-Status-Bar: http://www.mediafire.../?jk4h8e4bi8k3z
1. Install via CWM Recovery. Hide-Bar Test Script also included.
2. Please refer to READ ME.txt inside for Instructions & Guides.

Root-Script: http://www.mediafire.../?e9m64zikou614
1. Please refer to READ ME.txt inside for Instructions & Guides.


1. For Allwinner A10 IceCreamSandwich and Gingerbread Firmwares ONLY.
2. Google PlayStore, Updated Google Applications, and Working My Location.
3. Apex Launcher - Fast, Smooth ICS Style Customize-able Launcher.


1. Connect Tablet to PC powered-ON and enable USB Debugging & Stay Awake.
2. Extract file and run GooglePlay.bat and follow instructions.
3. Goto Settings > Language&Input > Tap "Default"
4. Select "English (US)" or whatever Language you have set.


1. Extract USB_Driver to a Folder and Connect Tablet to PC powered-ON.
2. Go to Device Manager. Check for an Android Device with Exclamation Point [!].
3. Right-click Android Device and click Update Driver. Locate the USB_Driver Folder.

* My Location now working. Thanks to lifeiyu.
* Added RootScript. Thanks to MrTasselhof.
* Added .xml files for Full-Market. Thanks to Bondo2.
* Added ICS Hide-Bar Thanks to nice2know_u.


CM9 for LY-F1/AlldroSpeed-UPDATED 24.06.2012 BLUETOOTH SUPPORT [smartass governer v2]

ROM][PORT]CM9 for LY-F1/AlldroSpeed-UPDATED 24.06.2012 [smartass governer v2]

This is my first port from Quarx's CM9 build for A10.

>>Download<< the zip, put it on sdcard and enter CWM Recovery:
- Wipe data/factory reset
- Install zip from sdcard
- Reboot

If you have problems with the 3 capacitive buttons use this UPDATE.

Bugs/not working :

I need some help to solve the bugs so if everyone knows how to do this feel free to contact me or directly upload the modified work and post here the likns.

IMPORTANT : CM9 will not work if you have stock ROM installed...

UPDATE 23.05.2012 :

- camera app works, tested also GTalk videochat.
- usb charging via pc works
- wifi stays awake when tablet is in standby (if you set that from wifi advanced settings)

UPDATE 24.05.2012 :
- based on latest nightly by Quarx
- bug fixes.

UPDATE 26.05.2012 :

- new kernel_ and an old bug : DON'T set brightness too low, your display will go black 
- shows 512 MB RAM
- processor at 1,2 GHz.
- accelerometer works only in default mode
- if you already have CM9, wipe data/factory is not necessary.

UPDATE 28.05 :
- fixed some bugs including clock & alarm
- maybe 3G... (I don't have 3G modem to test)

UPDATE 01.06 :
-new nightly - new port 

New port from Christian Troy's build :

- more info about his CM9 >> here <<

Update 09.06 : 

- some bug fixes on 7.06 port
- touch buttons work for me, I hope not just for me... 

UPDATE 12.06 :
- back to Quarx's build, it's more stable
- crt screen off animation
- bug fixes

I don't have mini-hdmi cable so I don't know if hdmi sound works...

UPDATE 24.06 :
- added smartassv2 governor on Quarx's build
- default or special coordinate system for accelerometer

CREATOR ;djsebyss

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


The first custom ROM ever made for Micromax funbook!
This ROM will work on all Ployer Momo9 clones and derivative devices from which Micromax funbook is the one 
There were already faint rumors on this on air around XDA but its not a rumor anymore 
Lets not talk too much, lets proceed with the specifications of JetMOD™ 5.0 

What's new
1. Init.d support
2. Added Bash- A better alternative for 'sh' for execution of scripts
3. Added Nano
4. Zipaligned all APK's for better RAM utilization
5. Enabled Hardware acceleration for accelerated performance
6. Enabled Purgeable assets for AUTO-FREE of RAM memory
7. UI rendered with GPU for better Gaming
8. Forced Launcher into RAM for smoother Home operations
9. New DNS values for better Internet page loading
10. New TCP buffer values for better downloading/uploading and Internet performance
11. Increased overall touch responsiveness
12. Disabled Verify-Bytecode for faster application loading and more free RAM
13. New RAM Min-free for auto-killing apps incase RAM memory gets full-Now no more need of task killer
14. Enabled power collapse and forced sleep for better battery backup
15. Kernel_check ini set to zero to avoid app crash and force closes
16. Moved dalvik cache to /cache partition for massive boost in performance
17. SD card cache value set to 2048 for faster loading of apps on sd card
18. Optimized SQlite operations for improved Input/Output
19. New values for Dirty ratios, OOM ADJ for increased performance
20. Zipalign on boot for auto-zipalignment of newly installed apps
21. On-boot Battery calibration- Now phone will show accurate battery
22. New Swappiness values for more swappy funbook 
23. Most Important- Pre-rooted
24. Based on Ployer Momo9 stock ROM
25. Added Beats audio
26 Added xLoud
27. Integrated Super smooth scroll mod
28. Integrated Volume steps mod
29. Integraed ICS hide bar mod

What's Added/Removed
1. Removed lots of Micromax crapware and bloatwares
2. Removed stock launcher, replaced with Apex launcher and Sony Xperia S launcher
3. Added new file manager
4. Added hosts file - Now no more ads in any of your app 
5. Added new Marvel bootanimation

OMG!!! The features list is pretty long!!, Where is the link?

How to Flash this ROM?

This ROM is flashable via recovery
Note: First make a backup before flashing this ROM, just incase 
1. Reboot to recovery
2. Wipe data/ Factory reset
3. Wipe dalvik cache in advanced menu
4. Install zip from sd card and locate this zip and flash!!
5. Reboot system
6. Done!! you are travelling in JetMOD™ 5.0


Monday, 11 June 2012

Nxg A10 TABLET Stock Rom ICS 4.0.1

Firmware Update released for Xtab A10 – Official ROM updated 1st April 2012

Following the tradition of providing fanatic after-sales support, we are releasing an updated firmware for our market rocking product the Xtab A10. Everyone who got their Xtab A10 before April 1st 2012 is suggested to update to this firmware. The updated firmware will bring in a lot of positive changes to our favorite device making it a better device to use.
Please note that this firmware will be pre-installed in all the tablets shipped after 1st of April.
Here is a list of changes in the updated firmware.
  • Added more 3G Support Information window and access point settings , roaming settings etc.
  • Fixed issue – 3G dongles were not detected at times.
  • Significantly improved UI fluency. Interface is smoother now.
  • ADB (USB debug mode) off by default when USB connected.
  • Browser debug mode modified for Android.
  • Modified horizontal unlock screen. Unlock function works more efficiently.
  • Fixed issue – Clock digits on the locked screen were truncated.
  • Fixed issue – Modify or Remove Programs android.process.acore unexpectedly quit
  • Modified the panoramic camera feature.
  • Improving the microphone recording volume up-to Gingerbread  standard. Audio recording is louder now.
  • Wifi remains on even in sleep mode. Your downloads wont be interrupted.
  • Updated file-manager.
  • Increased GOOGLE APPS
If you find a major bug, please give us back on, we will fix as soon as possible.
Thank you
Team NXG

 Download firmware – Release date 1st April 2012

Xtab A10 firmware flashing guide.

Here is the complete guide to update the firmware of Xtab A10 tablet PC. Download links for all the required files are given at the bottom of the article.
Firmware flashing how-to:
  1. Before starting the process, install the required ADBDrivers (32/64 bit) on Windows.
  2. Shut down the Tablet completely.
  3. Start the XtabA10UpdateTool by executing XtabA10UpdateTool.exe file from the extracted folder.
  4. In the program click on the KEY button, and select the
    “key” file (from the firmware you have), then click on the IMAGE button, and choose the .img file you want.
  5. Then click on the START button in the XtabA10UpdateTool.
  6. Push down and hold the VOLUME+ button of your Xtab A10.
  7. After this, connect the USB cable to the machine (the driver will automatically install in windows 7/Vista for windows Xp install the driver manually by providing the driver files in USB driver folder inside the XtabA10Updatool folder)
  8. Press the POWER button 10-15 times while the VOLUME+ button is still pressed. First a row will turn green   with “USBdev 1″ written in it. Still keep pressing the VOLUME+ button until it turns brown and starts showing update progress 1%-2%-3%………
  9. Once the process is finished the row will turn green. Now its safe to remove the USB cable.
  10. Hold the POWER button for a long time to start your tablet for the first time.
  11. DONT FREAK OUT if you wont see anything on the display for 1-2 minutes, its normal at the first time!
SOurces :-NXG Forum (Post By amol)

Custon ROM SEBY 0.6.1 FOR a10 devices

Latest bulid for Alldro Speed/LY-F1 7" tablets, with 512 MB RAM or 1 GB RAM :

512 MB RAM versions :

- CWM Recovery
- Rooted, superuser installed
- no apps in OEM folder
- circle battery icon with 1% steps
- full market access
- build.prop tweaks
- personalized start image (alldro speed)
- new kernel #2 (with more RAM available)
- GoLauncherEX preinstalled if you like to mod the build.prop (lcd density from 130 it's not working with stock launcher)

Install with livesuit 1.07 and choose FORMAT (if you aldready have my 23.03 build, format it's not necessary).

Previous builds :
GB ROM - (with Alldro Speed start image) :
First ICS beta :
ICS beta 17.03.2012 :
23.03 build :

Page in romanian with my custom roms :

UPDATE 8.04.2012 ROM - Full Market working :

UPDATE 17.04.2012 after the 0.6.1 ROM :

- Replaced trebuchet with nova launcher
- full market still there 
- If you have the 8.04 ROM you can install in normal mode (without format)
- more 3G modems support :

UPDATE 01.05.2012 :

updates :
- GO Launcher HD (Nova is still there)
- build.prop modded with moto id for more market compatibility (asphalt, nfs)
- full screen patch - with 120 dpi the statusbar is hiding when you play games, clips etc. You have in settings - display - fullscreen mode option (I use smart mode)

UPDATE 03.05.2012 :

changes :
- CWM Recovery works with both internal and external sd.
- Novo7 Tools for reboot directly in CWM.
- Your extern microSD now is sdcard (you can now install a 16 or 32 GB card for more apps and games) and the internal sdcard is now extsd.
- This update must be installed with FORMAT because of the switching between the internal and external SD.

FOR 1 GB RAM version :

This is a custom ROM based on my 0.6.1 rom for the 1 GB RAM version of LY-F1/Alldro Speed : >>Download<<

It's tested and working, DO NOT install on the 512 RAM tablets

This is not my content is jsut shared ...from net
SOURCE:- XDA developers.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

ClockworkMod Recovery 5

|     How to install ClockworkMod Recovery 5 for ICS 4.0.x       |
|                                                                |
| This method is specifically made for AllWinner A10 tablets.    |
| - Xtab A10, MOMO 9c, MICROMAX FUNTAB, KArbon TAB and all clones

Download:-CWM RECOVRY 5

- tablet must be running Android ICS version (4.0.x)
- tablet must have Superuser installed with SU binary loaded
- tablet must have Debugging enabled (ADB drivers included)

*     CHOOSE METHOD 1        *
*  It's the easiest method   *

METHOD 1 (Simple, Using script):
1.) turn on tablet and leave it at main homescreen
2.) connect the tablet to the computer with a USB cable
3.) run "recovery-install" batch file to run the script
4.) when done, it will reboot your tablet into Recovery Mode
5.) done

METHOD 2 (Manual, ADB commands):
1.) turn on tablet and leave it at main homescreen
2.) connect the tablet to the computer with a USB cable
3.) open command prompt, navigate your way to this folder where the CWM files are
(For Vista/Win7: hold Shift > right-click on this folder, choose "Open command window here")
5.) run following commands:
(right-click to copy command & right-click to paste into command prompt)

adb push recovery.img /data/
adb shell "cat /data/recovery.img > /dev/block/nandg; sync"

6.) reboot into recovery... with this command:

adb shell "echo -n boot-recovery | busybox dd of=/dev/block/nandf count=1 conv=sync; sync; reboot"

7.) done

Alternative Method to Reboot into Recovery Mode:
1.) power off the tablet
2.) hold the Menu/Options hard button on the tablet
3.) while holding Menu/Options, press and hold the Power button
4.) the tablet will turn on and directly go into Recovery Mode

|      How to control ClockworkMod Recovery 5         |
|                                                     |
| VOL+: up                                            |
| VOL-: down                                          |
| POWER: select                                       |
| BACK: back                                          |

Now when you're in ClockworkMod Recovery mode, you can make a full nandroid backup of your system.
- select "backup and restore"
- then select "backup" to backup into your microSD/TF memory card
(or) select "backup to internal sdcard" to backup into the internal storage partition

After you made a backup, save the "clockworkmod" folder on your computer if you want.

Now you can restore back to the point that you made the backup if things get messed up.
